Vespa's unique modifications were pulled one after the other Vespa enthusiasts, so as to gain the sympathy and a place in society. Moreover, then the fans of this form with the name semox vespa club. Passion drove up the old Vespa, vespa, vespa various brands that have been 'retired' hunted even a ready-made junk was going on again. "I bought two bags of Vespa Kongo from the wreckage," said Hambali which then assemble themselves the Vespa in 1964.Now the old Vespa no longer be easily obtained in Wonosari considering Vespa enthusiasts are hunting him since his reappearance. "Old Vespa hunted yet more difficult to obtain," said Muhammad Zaeni, Vespa enthusiasts who modify his Vespa PX a unique and comfortable ride. "More and more parents are hunted," he said.
One Workshop and Oli BrandModifications to the Vespa in addition to unique, is also more functional and artistic. This is precisely what a Vespa fan club who is also the founder of the first Vespa in NTB, Zaeni Muhammad. Modify 'all-out, doing without altering the original anatomy of the Vespa PX which when bought was worth USD 1.5 million. "The engine and the body remains the standard," he admits. His love of the Vespa, he said, made her 'crazy' modify the mount. A total of 15 lamps are uniquely placed to meet the front vespanya. Six 6 rearview mirror mounted on the right, left, up and down until the box-box to store equipment. Plus winsel windbreaks, spare tire, pillion backrest and iron-iron belt around the body that serves as a footrest and a protective case of an accident. When modifying vespanya he used the concept of touring, all functioning. "Everything is hand made (handmade)," said the artist who claims to utilize the iron-iron chairs unused to modify vespanya. The installation of all equipment through a process of careful consideration to all parts of vespanya, right-left, front and rear, balanced.Zaeni who often perform together touring his colleagues have swept across the NTB, Bali, Surabaya, Jakarta, Semarang, Lampung, Palembang and other cities. Vespa for her resilience and toughness, is amazing. "There is no problem with the incline and the engine is not easily tired," he said. So, when you're touring a break is not determined vespa but physical endurance rider. For him, though vespa identical to strike, he has his own tips on care can be said to be Vespa so vespanya rarely strike. "Easy, loyal to one shop and do not change brands of oil," says this teacher.Vespa fans do not seem to feel concerned about the availability of spare parts Vespa because it is very easy to get, relatively cheap and affordable both original and imitation. "Careful when buying because it is so thin that the difference between imitation and original," the message.Vespa garage is also easy to find. "So do not worry though battered even have Vespa" he said. - Niek
Generating Hobbies Travel Vespa
HOBBIES and love is inseparable from self Vespa enthusiasts. Various modifications done to make the uniqueness of Vespa sidecar sidecar named. If vespa course can only hold one, then the sidecar capable of holding two to three people. BOSS (Boys Scooter Owner SIDECAR) initiated the formation of the club sidecar. sidecar while there are only 10, "said Hambali, vespa mechanic, as well as modifiers sidecar maker. Then, what is done with a sidecar? It was not just a hobby and passion. "SIDECAR could produce," he said.Since two years ago, Ambe, as Hambali usually called, to find a way to seek additional income from a hobby and her passion for Vespa. With the sidecar he was offering a sightseeing tour. Tourism is arguably the use of new Vespa was first performed. Starting from the frequent contact with the world of tourism, he and his friends found a unique interest in selling the services of foreign visitors take tours riding sidecar. "There must be special ordered, tourists meet in the street who wanted to go sightseeing with a sidecar was no problem," Ambe said that this business is sometimes called the ngojek.But, so far he has had links with hotels that will offer sidecar tours to the guests. Business prospects are quite good, he said, given the crowded tourist if he and his friends can take both foreign and local guests four times a month. It does not have a lot of guests, one of two guests were so, Ambe said that some time ago had led more than 30 guests who require additional means other than the Vespa sidecar. "If the guests crowded, we contact other friends Vespa club, though not one who is willing to take guests," he said. Of course, other Vespa, who helped get paid the same as the others, he added.Back to top Go down
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