Is it because its funny and? Sexy? then he became famous? PossibleJust so. But time has mematrikan his name as one of the motorsthe most popular legend in the world. Popularity, according to the data, starting a crazesince the mid-1950s. And then, Piaggio, the manufacturer of this motor, not yetto 10 years of producing the Vespa, sales figures soared to more than 15 millionunits in 1956.
Today's scooters have become the antiques of the owner and made collectionspet. Fellow enthusiast then make the container, where they gathered andexchange ideas. The form can be a club or association that is not binding. Eveninternet presence in cyberspace is used as the inner ropes fellow pehobinyato always love the Vespa is already globalized.
In the country would not be surprised if this scooter fan clubs scattered, rangingfrom the provincial capital, district, to the district level. Some are active inclub or just limited to just cheerleaders. But here's an attraction thathas become a phenomenon. Based on the spirit of kinship, they weregave birth to various gatherings, each born with a common mission andvision.
EverywhereIn Tangerang in 1991-an era known once Tangerang Vespa Club (VTC).Since the famous members had reached a record 500 people. But now VTCalready deceased, and his successor there were two clubs there. One isBudavest (Slaves Vespa Tangerang) who was born in 2001.
According to Eko Sulistyanto (32), secretary of the club, about 250 members Budavestpeople. While the populations of the motor is nothing more than the figure of 500 pieces.While there is the Vespa Club in Bogor Bogor or more ngepop sounding VCB.This association has arguably enthusiast rusty on this rainy city. Ifhad stopped, whoever this man nodded automotive city whenwere the presence of VCB. It's known the club has ever tasted this golden periodbeen flying since 1991.
Gait VCB is also proud of Jonah. In fact, he was so proud to callthat the club is the club's first Vespa in Java. It is based on the resultsobservations when the popularity of scooters is still quiet. Indeed, when checked, nosingle person who could determine who was who started popularize scootersthrough the club.
Capitalize the spirit and high sense of family, VCB grow with the graphspotty. There was a time with a high quantity of members, but there are alsotime? famine? members. ? We did not disperse, still exist really. Onlyactive people who are not as much as before,? said Jonah. The reason,all sorts. But the average claim was busy with the routine. In fact, the originJust so you know, they had toured with the Pelabuhan Ratu 250 scooter in 1996-1997.
As for Mataram Scooter Club (MSC), has its own tips for keepingloyalty and active members. They are not ambitious to recruit members inexcessive amounts. The target, just one hundred only. From there, each periodassessed. If the result was low, so that members are welcome retreat.Even so, according to Augustine Sutarto (32) who is also chairman of the MSC daily, rarelyonce a member is to be stricken from the list of MSC family. Therefore,familial nature remains upheld. Awareness and loyalty has grownwith itself.
For convenience, MSC perkumpulannya split into five districts (read: the region),the jackal (Road Ground), Scotsa (Scooter Salam? around Regards, beforeMuntilan), Vascy (Vespa Familiarcy), Pabses (Society of Motor Scooters On Sleman)and last Ngayogyakarto? central area.
Through the district system, the scooter population in this warm city can spread evenly.? Surely each region tried looking for partners to be invited to join. In terms ofmanagement is also easier and secretary
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